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Rytek has been continuing to house powerful machinery for the past 25+ years to provide their clients the precision only the machines of today can perform.

In 2022, designing and creating technology has become an increasingly intricate art. It only takes one look inside any number of devices we use on a daily basis to witness a city like structure of connections beneath the cover. Each structure housed in a single board. Each board housing thousands of connections. Each connection performed at a thousandth of a second. And it's all performed seamlessly. Without detection. To a large degree it is these electronic stealth like cities that generate and facilitate the modern world we now live in.

The future is being shaped today through the groundbreaking daily progress of technological developments. Some would argue 'the future is technology'.

The Electronics Manufacturing Industry is the engine that runs the operations from the ground.

Rytek Australia is here today with you building the future of tomorrow. Keeping these developments home grown and local for the world at large keeps Rytek proud to be based in Sydney, Rydalmere and proud to be an Australian Electronics Manufacturer.

Consistently creating,


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